Board of Trustees

A strong Board of Trustees is crucial to the ongoing success and development of the school. The ACS Board of Trustees has three primary functions:

Eligible Members

Board of Trustee members are elected by the American Community Organization (ACO). Members of the ACO include parents of students at ACS and employees of ACS, per the laws and bylaws of the ACO. The members of the Board of Trustees serve on a volunteer basis and bring a wealth of experience in education, strategic development, budgeting, business, and finance. 

There are two categories of Board members:

Category #1: Official American

Category #2: At Large

The Board of Trustees meets once per month.

BoT Members for 2024-2025

The ACS Board of Trustees consists of seven elected voting members: four U.S. Embassy official positions and three at-large positions plus an Ambassador's Representative, an official alternate position, and an at-large alternate position.


To facilitate the work of the Board of Trustees, regular committees have been formed in accordance with the laws and bylaws of the ACO. These committees hold monthly meetings to ensure the efficient flow of work related to the review of policy and overseeing of finances and capital improvement.

For the current term of the Board of Trustees, an ad hoc task force has been formed with experts to address student support, in terms of learning needs, enrichment needs, and English language learning needs. It is the aim of the Board of Trustees to set the strategic vision of ACS in terms of student support as we move forward. 

Meeting Dates 2024-2025

All meetings are on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Learning Commons unless noted otherwise. 

If you would like to access the minutes of meetings, please contact